Cocktail is a project for LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex persons) asylum seekers and refugees.
Facebook: Cocktail Eindhoven
Our Mission:
Cocktail wants to help to reduce the isolation that LGBTI Refugees and Asylum seekers are in. We want to introduce them into the Dutch society and our LGBTI community in a fun and safe way.
We want to help to improve the social climate for/and the safety of, LGBTI newcomers and migrants in the Netherlands. The LGBTI community is often discriminated or threatened in large parts of the world. In some countries they are imprisoned or even sentenced to death. Sometimes fleeing is their only option. They have to leave family and friends behind for an uncertain future in a strange country. In addition, the sexual orientation of LGBTI refugees is often not accepted or tolerated by their fellow newcomers in the refugee centers, just like in their country of origin. This can lead to severe forms of violence, isolation, and feelings of anxiety, or depression.
Cocktail Plus+
Cocktail+ is a meeting that takes place every 2 months on the 2nd Friday of that month. LGBT Rufugees and Asylum Seekers form the region Eindhoven can meet each other in a safe enviroment.
Our Buddy Project:
We couple the LGBTI Refugee to a Dutch LGBTI Cocktail volunteer.
After an initial interview Cocktail tries to find a suitable buddy, considering both the language and the needs and wishes of the newcomer.
If there is a ‘click’ between the buddy and the newcomer, they can make arrangements about the activities that they want to do together, when and where etc.